Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beginning of a Blog?

So I'm attempting to begin a blog on my job/life! Last year at this time, I started a fitness blog, but after the first blog, I never posted again. Yikes! I think the subject was too difficult to blog consistently.

This blog is going to be a place where I will organize my thoughts, my findings of interesting websites, book reviews, and anything else I need. Often times, I'm researching different lesson ideas and I'll find some good resources. However, I then lose the information and never return to the website that I thought was a great resource. My hope is that blogging about these will also be a way of keeping track.

I'm also mulling over starting a classroom website and/or blog. There is so much out there, at times it is overwhelming! I'm not sure where to start. To help my decision, I decided that starting my own blog will help me feel comfortable with this process.

There are many teaching blogs that I'm beginning to follow and be inspired from! I am truly amazed by what teachers are doing in their classrooms to make an impact in their student's lives.

I'm excited to see what this will turn into! Will I post for a second time??? To be continued...


  1. Go Heather! I hope you continue. It's always fun to see what folks find to write about. My blog is stereotypical mom stuff but feel free to check it out: www.milesmeetsworld.blogspot.com

  2. Thank you for starting this blog, as now I can also check out the world of "blogging." I haven't to date much and often wonder if it's worth the time spent. I have a class website and update it weekly and really like it and get pos. feedback from parents. Way to go Heather! I'll check it out and see how is is progressing.
